Peeling off the layers….

The Lemon is a yellow oval shaped fruit with a rough skin and neck. The sour taste is caused by citric acid. The rind has a medium to thin thickness. This tart, tangy fruit is seen by most people as an essential flavouring to food. It has an array of uses from cooking, in drinks, salad dressings and more. Lemons are often enjoyed for their health benefits. Lemons are high in Vitamin C and antioxidants. Lemons differ from Limes which is a different variety. Limes are smaller, green and taste slightly different.

The lemon tree is a residual tree that is planted in well drained soil. The tree is evergreen and has thorns. The fruits are harvested up to 3 times in one season. The Eureka variety is the world’s most widely grown lemon.

Food historians believe lemons have been cultivated around the Mediterranean from as early as the first century A.D.

During the European Renaissance, fashionable ladies used lemon juice as a way to redden their lips.