Our Community

We rely on our workforce to help us produce first-rate products. We focus on employee wellbeing and this reaches beyond the orchards and into the community. Naturally we also focus on the improvement of the lives of our employees, their families and the communities in which they reside.

Nothing inspires employees more than being afforded the opportunity to improve the quality of their lives, therefore we strive to motivate, inspire, develop and sustain an ethical work environment that provides opportunity and encourages growth.

All our initiatives are done at our own expense and without any government funding support.

We believe when our employees are highly trained, happy and motivated we can ascend to new heights.

Our initiatives


Rent free housing

Community garden with spinach, carrots, onions, cabbage, watermelon and beetroot.

Transport for personal use by arrangement

Solar energy solutions to decrease electricity bills



Health check up’s &  mobile clinic

Christmas & Easter gifts for the children

We built a church

Sponsor of the Red Lions Weston Rugby club

Annual staff appreciation day



Social development program in partnership with On Eagle’s Wings Multi-Purpose Centre

Training and development program

Internet made available for children’s school projects

Going Green initiatives

Solar geysers and lights for farm houses.

Evaporation pits to protect ground water

Wood chips under trees to help the microbiome thrive

Thriving Owl families: they are good bio-indicators of ecosystem health and biodiversity

We support our employees in becoming self sustainable

Eradication of invasive trees

Efficient irrigation for water saving