Living for the future

We encourage our employees to live a self sufficient and sustainable life. Being proud of your chickens first egg or harvesting the seasons spinach crop brings pride and joy to our workers. We believe this has a significant impact on their mental health.

We encourage a range of small impactful changes. Employees are allowed to keep a sustainable amount of animals and make vegetable gardens. Unused farm materials are given to employees to build coops and camps for chickens and pigs. They are also educated on how to keep the animals in safe suitable conditions. We have a community garden where the harvest is divided between all the employees. Yearly a variety of vegetables are grown according to the season including spinach, carrots, onions, cabbage, watermelon and beetroot. We supply all the seeds and equipment for the garden. We have taught our workers how some kitchen scraps can be used as feed for their animals.

We endeavour to expand their knowledge of food preservation, how to collect seeds from their vegetable gardens, recycling as well as using the chickens as pest control in the vegetable gardens.